Enum DnsType
A resource record or query type.
Namespace: Makaretu.Dns
Assembly: Makaretu.Dns.dll
public enum DnsType : ushort
Name | Description |
A | A host address. |
AAAA | An IPv6 host address. |
AFSDB | AFS Data Base location. |
ANY | A request for any record(s). |
AXFR | A request for a transfer of an entire zone. |
CAA | A certification authority authorization. |
CNAME | The canonical name for an alias. |
DNAME | Maps an entire domain name. |
DNSKEY | Public key cryptography to sign and authenticate resource records. |
DS | Delegation Signer. |
HINFO | Host information. |
MAILA | A request for mail agent RRs (Obsolete - see MX). |
MAILB | A request for mailbox-related records (MB, MG or MR). |
MB | A mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL). |
MD | A mail destination (OBSOLETE - use MX). |
MF | A mail forwarder (OBSOLETE - use MX). |
MG | A mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL). |
MINFO | Mailbox or mail list information. |
MR | A mailbox rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL). |
MX | Mail exchange. |
NS | An authoritative name server. |
NSEC | Next secure owener. |
NSEC3 | Authenticated next secure owner. |
NSEC3PARAM | Parameters needed by authoritative servers to calculate hashed owner names. |
NULL | A Null resource record (EXPERIMENTAL). |
OPT | Option record. |
PTR | A domain name pointer. |
RP | Responsible Person. |
RRSIG | Signature for a RRSET with a particular name, class, and type. |
SOA | Marks the start of a zone of authority. |
SRV | A resource record which specifies the location of the server(s) for a specific protocol and domain. |
TKEY | Shared secret key. |
TSIG | Transactional Signature. |
TXT | Text resources. |
URI | A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) resource record. |
WKS | A well known service description. |